Written by: Marie Hilliard
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Are you putting your field reps in the best position to give your channel partners the support they need? Here are four things to consider that can make all the difference.
Scroll DownAs your channel partners reinvent their business approach, your field reps play a critical role in helping you stay connected with the needs of your channel. With many people working from their homes, however, the road-warrior approach your reps have successfully used in the past isn't an option.
How you support your field representatives can make all the difference in their ability to help your channel partners. Here are four things to consider to put your field reps in the best position to give your channel partners the support they need right now.
Your field reps are accustomed to aiming at big goals. The objectives you set in January have little merit now. Whether adjusting up or down to reflect the reality of your marketplace, reset expectations and communicate those clearly to your reps so they know what they're aiming for.
Your field reps are your promise makers so tell them the truth — explain what can or cannot be done at this time from your standpoint. Keep them apprised on a regular basis as things change. Clear, consistent communications will help them make commitments to your channel partners that everyone can count on.
Ask your reps for feedback on what they need to be effective right now. Are there tools you can automate to make their jobs easier? Do they have the technical support they need? Are there processes you could put online so your channel partners can claim on their own? You may be surprised the efficiencies you create now could become the norm moving forward.
Energise your reps with frequent recognition for their efforts. Positivity is contagious so find ways to share success stories. Celebrate often. Virtual team gatherings featuring pets, hobbies, gardens, etc. allow for lasting personal connections.