Written by: Tricia Mikolai
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As you look ahead to delivering your 2018 events, here are three tips for making a big impact on your company’s bottom line.
Partner with an incentive travel agency that has purchasing power. These agencies have greater leverage than major corporate organisations when it comes to sourcing suppliers across the globe because of sheer volume. The agency returns to destinations many times each year with different clients.
Your event has a call to action, so make sure you’re using the right behaviour-change principles to get the follow-through. After an event, people tend to go back to the way they’ve always done things. Instead, inject some motivational theory into your pre, during and post-meeting activities that lead to greater knowledge retention, brand alignment and message reinforcement.
You can calculate a return on investment for your events. While measurement of participant satisfaction is valuable, showing that the event made a financial impact on the business is even better. To do so, you’ll need to gather some pre-event data so that you can compare it to post-event data. It may take several months for post-event data to manifest, so be patient but keep tracking. Compare pre-and post so that you can show the change in behaviour and goal achievement. Those gains and the cost of the event are all you need to calculate the ROI!